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One of the most romantic cities in the world is Verona, a city that Shakespeare himself sang. It contains a lot of mysteries and mysteries. Many tourists come here to enjoy the fabulously beautiful and romantic architecture, to see the sights (what exactly is the courtyard of Juliet, and the balcony under which her beloved Romeo sings her serenade) and just to dive into peace and comfort. Verona is much more romantic than Paris, and its unofficial name is the most romantic city in the world.
Transfer Verona to Juliet House
Many tourists are interested in Juliet’s legendary house, the same courtyard with a balcony where, according to legend, Juliet sat and where Romeo sneaked secretly, in order to confess her love and the statue of Juliet herself. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here to touch the right breast of a bronze girl, they say if you make a wish by touching it, it will come true and leave a leaf with a message on the wall of love, where more than a thousand confessions have been collected. In the arch at the entrance to the courtyard of the house telephone hangers hang. Throwing a coin in the machine, you can talk to a virtual Romeo or Juliet (there are machines for girls and for guys). In Verona is also the tomb of Juliet. It is located in the crypt of the abolished Capuchin monastery and is a hall with a single modest and empty stone sarcophagus. The sad situation perfectly corresponds to the spirit of the last pages of Shakespeare’s tragedy, and, probably, that’s why the popular rumor decided that the Juliet’s tomb should be here.
Enter the courtyard is available for free, but the tour of the mansion will cost 6 EUR. Excursions are held on Mondays from 13:30 to 19:30, from Tuesday to Sunday – from 8:30 to 19:30.
Transfer Verona to Romeo’s House
House Romeo, built in the 14th century, in fact belonged not at all to the family of Montague, but to Veronica Carla Nogarolo. He was treated rudely, they say that the authorities of Verona have been negotiating with owners for a long time, in order to redeem it and open a museum in it. But the owners so far have shown perseverance and are in no hurry to get rid of such an interesting property. The owner did not want to make a cultural object out of it and preferred to open a restaurant here called “Osteria Dal Duca”. So all the romance – at the house of Juliet, and Romeo you can go to lunch.
Transfer Verona to the Amphitheater
In Verona is located the famous Arena – Roman Amphitheater. It is considered the third largest of the constructed Roman Colosseums. It was built around the year 30 BC. He stands, as he should, in one of the main squares of Verona. In ancient Roman times, up to 30 thousand spectators could gather here and look at gladiatorial fights, circus performances, lists and even naval battles! For this scene of the arena, the comrades responsible for this matter were flooded entirely with water. Later in the arena there were battles with bulls, theatrical and opera performances. The structure is so well preserved that those who wish can visit various performances and concerts held in the evenings. Now it is also a very popular venue for performances by opera, rock or pop stars. However, at the time of the Romans, he was even more. Then the amphitheater also had an outer ring, from which only fragments now remained. True, in 16-17 centuries the visual tribunes of the amphitheater were rebuilt, and now they can accommodate not 30 but 25 thousand people.
Transfer from Verona to Sant’Anastasia
The largest temple of Verona is Sant Anastasia, which is 800 years old. Inside the basilica you can see the frescoes of famous masters, especially valuable marble floor made in the 15th century, bowls for holy water, which very realistically support the figures of the two hunchbacks. It is only known that they were made in the 16th century, but who, exactly, remained a mystery.
There is a legend about Giusti’s garden that this park was formed in the 16th century, with a large number of sculptures that surround the mansion. If lovers find a friend in a labyrinth of hedgerows, they will be together for life.
Verona is not just a city of romance, but also a place of brutal gladiatorial fights in the third largest arena, as well as beautiful and elegant architectural ensembles created by bloodthirsty rulers. It is a city of creativity and inspiration, in which time freezes.
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